
在任何职业中取得长期成功——法律, 教育, 业务, government or not-for-profit service — requires knowledge of the international domain.  


Successful 姐姐 graduates can be found the world over: at global think tanks in Washington D.C., 在大公司, 律师事务所, and entrepreneurial not-for-profit ventures; in well regarded master's and doctoral programs; and teaching in their own classrooms.


你可以选择在三年内获得学士学位. Do your part to stay on track, and you could shave a year off your undergraduate work. That means significant savings on tuition and you get a jumpstart on your career.



国际关系学院的所有学生都出国留学. 如果你对国际事务感兴趣, 或者如果你想成为国际专业人士, there is no substitute for this experience of living and studying in another country.


国际关系学院的所有学生都必须到国外学习. 对于任何对国际事务感兴趣的人, 或者谁想成为国际专业人士, there is no substitute for this experience of living and studying in another country.

We want to match your personal and career interests with the right location and the right sort of study abroad experience. This is why we now offer you more than 100 program sites in more than 60 countries.

我们的学生告诉我们,在国外生活是最宝贵的个人经历, 教育, 以及他们本可以拥有的专业经验. It is a voyage of self-discovery as well as professional preparation; an adventure on which it is not unusual to find your future career path. 许多人将海外学术学习与实习结合起来, 在此过程中建立专业联系. For anyone interested in starting an international career, having lived abroad is indispensable.

The study abroad programs at Pacific are administered by the Office of International Program Services in the Bechtel International Center. The study abroad adviser knows the options open to you and the way the various study abroad programs fit with 国际关系学院 major requirements. 在国外学习期间,你可以满足专业和通识教育的要求, 在国外获得的所有学分都将计入毕业.


In 2019, 比安卡Piedro interned for six weeks at the Consulate of the United States of America in Monterrey, 新莱昂州, 在墨西哥的商务服务部门工作.


The international relations major is designed for students interested in global and international studies. The 国际关系学院 combines the resources of a comprehensive university and experiential learning with a rigorous international, interdisciplinary and intercultural curriculum designed to prepare you for success in global professions in government, 行业, 教育和非营利组织.

除了CORE要求和通识教育要求之外, 你将选择一系列高年级的选修课, 和你的顾问商量一下, 这样你就可以专注于政治科学, 人类学或经济学. Each of these disciplines provides an excellent foundation for a range of careers in the United States and abroad.



Political science upper division electives are taken by students interested in comparative and international politics. Students can take up to three upper-division courses in international or comparative politics in addition to an anthropology course that approaches international politics from a different disciplinary perspective. This prepares students for careers in government and law, 以及研究生院.

人类学 upper division electives are taken by students interested in culture and in learning about the diversity of human behavior. You can take up to three upper-division courses in anthropology in addition to a political science class that approaches social and cultural change from a different disciplinary perspective. 这些课程为你在不同的文化环境中工作和生活做准备, 以及研究生院. 

Economics upper division electives are taken by students interested in international economics, 或者打算从事国际贸易的人. 如果你想专注于国际经济, 你可以选修两门高级经济学课程, in addition to political science and anthropology courses that approach economic issues from the perspectives of their disciplines. The major prepares you for careers in 业务 and economics, 以及研究生院.




209.946.2650 director姐姐@tzxxw.net
