Discover Civil Engineering

Civil engineering encompasses the structures and systems of a functioning society. 从人们喝的水到他们旅行的道路, the work of civil engineers serves and benefits society every day.

The civil engineering program is recognized for its practical curriculum, 高学术水准,强调以学生为中心. 除了CO-OP的经验, students have opportunities to participate in competitions and hands-on projects as part of their studies.

Graduates of Pacific’s civil engineering program have the knowledge, skills and qualities necessary to pursue professional licensure and advanced level studies, 实践工程, 并在专业和社区中发挥领导作用.

The civil engineering program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission's General Criteria and Program Criteria for Civil Engineering Programs.

Makenna Brown

Makenna Brown is in a dual-degree program at Pacific where she is working on her Bachelor of Science and master’s degrees in civil engineering. She is getting hands-on experience in her field by working on a water tunnel project in Seattle, Washington. 


Design and supervise the construction of systems for water treatment, waste disposal, 空气和水污染控制.

Plan, design, manage, and supervise the construction of infrastructure including structures, foundations, water supply, flood control, water treatment, 交通运输系统.

Design and supervise the construction of structures of various forms, 包括桥梁和建筑物.

Design and supervise the construction of systems for water supply, hydropower, irrigation, drainage, 防洪和通航


Student success

Rogelio was honored as co-recipient of the California Civil Engineering Student of 2021.

"I am pleased that more opportunities are opening for students of color and women in engineering. 这是我们学校的首要任务. 太平洋的经历很适合我.”

Rogelio Garcia '21


Recent graduates of Pacific’s civil engineering program have gone on to work at:

  • BKF Engineers
  • 五大湖环境和基础设施
  • HDR
  • Teichert建设
  • 斯托克顿市公共工程 
  • 辛普森,甘柏兹和黑格


作为土木工程项目的一部分, 学生完成两个学期, paid CO-OP working in the civil engineering industry while earning an average of $3,700 a month. These professional experiences give students a competitive edge in the engineering job market after graduation.

Blended MSE option

Students enrolled in the civil engineering program can work with their academic advisors to start taking graduate courses as they complete undergraduate degree requirements.  Please contact Dr. Vivek Pallipuram for more information about the blended program and for an application.

Degrees Offered



Within a few years of graduation, graduates of the Civil Engineering program are expected to:

  • Plan, design, evaluate, construct, operate, maintain, analyze, advance, 管理土木工程系统
  • 考取专业执照和证书
  • Engage in life-long learning and pursue advanced level studies
  • Demonstrate leadership skills through career advancement and active participation in the civil engineering profession and in the community



  1. 识别能力, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  2. an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, 经济因素
  3. an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
  4. an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, 以及社会背景
  5. an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, 创造一个协作和包容的环境, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  6. 发展和进行适当实验的能力, 分析和解释数据, 并运用工程判断得出结论
  7. an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies

Civil Engineering Undergraduate Enrollment and Degrees Awarded

Academic Year入学(秋季人口普查)Awarded Degrees

Engineering and Computer Science Scholarship Application Instructions

How to Apply

  • Visit
  • 使用您的太平洋网ID和密码登录
  • 完成一般申请
  • 完成有条件SOECS申请
  • Choose "Apply" for any recommended scholarship opportunities based on your responses and academic profile.  Please read the scholarship criteria carefully to confirm that you are qualified BEFORE you apply.
  • 你需要上传一份非正式成绩单.



Maryam H. 达什提捐赠奖学金
资格标准:任人唯贤; first preference for a student from Kuwait; second preference for a student from Gulf States Region; third preference for international student

B.G. 格伦·A·戈达德老兵奖学金
资格标准:任人唯贤, 目前在预备役部队服役, 光荣退伍老兵或ROTC计划的参与者.

Robert L. 海伯恩奖学金
资格标准:任人唯贤, full-time undergraduate student, minimum 3.平均绩点0,大三/大四优先

资格标准:工程学院本科 & 计算机科学专业,3级以上.2 GPA

Paul M. 森西堡工程捐赠奖学金
资格标准:任人唯贤, preference for students who have graduated or transferred from San Joaquin County Schools

资格标准:基于需求, Undergraduate Female, Good Academic Standing, minimum 2.5 GPA



资格标准:任人唯贤, last two semesters of Undergrad Program with the goal of enrolling in Master's Program at Pacific, Member of Tau Beta Pi (Award covers 1 fiscal year of graduate school, including books)

资格标准:基于需求, Preference for African American or other underrepresented ethnicities

Edward E. Whitacre, Jr. Endowed Scholarship
资格标准:基于需求, full-time Engineering major, minimum of 3.0 GPA



Beavers Charitable Trust/Kannon Family Heavy Construction Endowed Scholarship
资格标准:基于需求,土木/工程. Mgmt. 学生,大三/大四/研究生,美国.S. Citizen, Career Goal in Heavy Construction Industry; Co-op with Heavy Civil Contractor preferred

Civil Engineering and 工程管理 Scholarship Fund
资格标准:基于需求, preference to second-year student, Minimum 2.50 GPA, strong academic record or significant service contributions preferred

Robert C. 科莱纪念奖学金
资格标准:基于需求, 文科生, Minimum 3.0 GPA

Robert C. and Bette A. 学院捐资奖学金
资格标准:基于需求, 文科生, 历史上在民用领域的代表性不足, Minimum 3.0 GPA preferred

John C. 戈布尔捐赠奖学金
Qualification Criteria: Civil Engineering undergraduate student, Minimum 3.0 GPA

Robert C. 约翰森奖学金
Qualification Criteria: Merit Based, Civil Engineering student, Minimum 3.0 GPA

资格标准:全日制学生, 中等收入家庭, 初级/高级/研究生站, Minimum 3.平均绩点0,美国公民优先

资格标准:基于需求, 优先考虑民事/EMGT(民事集中), 初级/高级站, 全日制或兼职学生, Minimum 3.0 GPA

Contact Us


Khoury Hall
3601 Pacific Ave.
Stockton, CA 95211