想要更多地了解自己? 对改善人际关系感兴趣? 感到孤独或疏离?

请加入一个保险箱, 有趣的, energizing group of your peers where you can explore how you relate to yourself and to others while receiving 支持 and feedback. 表现出的问题因抑郁症而异, 焦虑和难以接受自己或他人, 家庭冲突或虐待等问题. Students who want to resolve specific concerns as well as those seeking personal growth are welcome. This can be a space to get your peers' perspectives on various issues and recognize that you are not the only one.

If you have any questions about group therapy, please contact CAPS 团体治疗 Coordinator Dr. 泰勒·里奇,209号.946.2315 x2或 tricci@tzxxw.net

We currently offer both in-person (Stockton campus) and virtual groups (all three campuses).


The power of process groups lies in the unique opportunity to receive multiple perspectives, 支持, 鼓励, 在一个安全的环境中从其他人那里得到反馈. 这些小组的重点是帮助你更好地了解自己和他人. 这个群体的成员经常谈论关系问题, 家庭互动, 学术压力, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 以及如何应对学生的压力, 朋友, 与他人合作.



这个小组将教授危机生存技能, 帮助你识别和标记你的情绪, 教你集中注意力的技巧, 帮助你接受当下, 学习如何识别和标记情绪, 并学习有用的策略来询问自己需要什么, 说“不”,处理人际关系中的冲突.


欲了解更多信息,请联系CAPS团体治疗协调员Dr. 泰勒·里奇,209号.946.2315 x2或 tricci@tzxxw.net.


This group offers a gradual and systematic introduction to the practice of mindfulness and meditation. Sustained practice cultivates the ability to be present in our moment-to-moment experience with greater awareness, 验收, 和理解. This drop-in group allows for practice and discussion of various meditation practices, 以及如何将其融入日常活动的教育.

周二下午5:00 - 6:00,Morris Chapel (Sears Hall); 房间稍后通知

欲了解更多信息,请联系CAPS团体治疗协调员Dr. 泰勒·里奇,209号.946.2315 x2或 tricci@tzxxw.net.


The initial sessions of a process group usually focus on the establishment of trust. 在此期间, the group therapists and group members work towards establishing a level of trust that allows them to communicate openly and honestly. 在信任的氛围中,人们可以自由地互相关心和帮助. 新成员常常惊讶于他们的贡献对其他成员的帮助. 

当所有成员都对团队做出承诺时,团队信任就会增强. During the group meeting time, members are responsible for talking about what is troubling them.  Discussion flows according to what members want to talk about during that session rather than the group facilitators assigning a topic to discuss. 鼓励会员向他人提供支持和反馈, and to work with the reactions and responses that other members' contributions bring up for them.  团体成员和团体治疗师可以作为有效沟通的典范, 提供解决问题的策略, 促进自我接纳和自我支持.

当个体开始与其他群体成员自由互动时, they usually re-experience or recreate some of the interpersonal difficulties that brought them to the group in the first place. Many of the reasons people seek help with personal issues usually stem from difficulties in their relationships with others. 在小组协调人的熟练指导下, the group is able to point out troublesome interpersonal patterns by providing feedback and 支持 and offering alternatives,这样困难就迎刃而解了. Unexpressed feelings are a major reason why people experience difficulties and distress. Sharing your thoughts and feelings in a safe and 支持ive environment is an important part of group therapy and strongly affects how much you will be helped. The climate of trust provided by the group promotes an environment where members feel safe to share their struggles and work collaboratively to understand one another. 随着个人自我意识的增强, 发展与人交往的新方式, 学习新的适应性行为, 他们朝着自己的个人目标前进,这把他们带进了团队.

  • 做你自己.  从你所在的位置开始,而不是你认为别人希望你成为什么样的人.  This might mean asking questions, expressing anger, or communicating confusion and hopelessness.  改变始于你觉得可以随意透露的东西.
  • 定义目标.  每次训练前花点时间确定你的目标.  然而,灵活设定目标也很重要.  You may be surprised to find that your goals continue to change throughout the group process.
  • 承认并尊重你融入团队的步伐.  Some group members will always be ready to disclose their thoughts and feelings; others need more time to gain feelings of trust and security. 通过尊重自己的需求,你正在学习自我接纳.  如果你有一个困难的时候,如何与小组讨论你的问题, 然后请小组成员帮助你.
  • 给自己留点时间.  你有权利利用小组时间谈论你自己.  很多人觉得别人的问题更重要, 而有些人则很难面对感情, 或者害怕显得“软弱”. 认识到不情愿意味着什么,你就开始了成长的过程.
  • 专注于对你最重要的事情.  通过谈论你所关心的问题,小组将有助于识别模式.  With time being limited it is important to try focus on the main ideas, thoughts and feelings.  专注于微小的细节往往是避免处理关键问题的一种方式.
  • 认识并表达反应和感受.  Pay close attention to what you are feeling as you are sharing or others are sharing. 如果你在识别和表达自己的想法或感受方面有困难, 请小组成员帮忙.
  • 注意那些被审查的想法和感觉.  学会表达自己的想法和感受, 没有审查制度, enables exploration and resolution of interpersonal conflicts and self-affirmation and assertion. Try and take the risk to let yourself be emotionally available to and vulnerable with others.
  • 给予和接受反馈.  Giving and receiving feedback can be a major component of your experience in group therapy. 反馈的目的是帮助其他人识别模式, 个人陈述, 未被认可的态度, 和不一致.  反馈是加深人际关系最有效的方式之一.  
  • 避免给出建议.  有时候我们真的很想给那些正在挣扎的人提供建议, 但当我们这样做的时候, 我们没有让那个人感到被倾听. Most group members learn that giving advice, suggestions and solutions is seldom helpful.  对于advice-givers, 学习如何表达个人的反应需要时间, 沟通理解, 给予支持, 仔细倾听.
  • 承担风险.  尝试不同的行为和表达方式.  通过冒险,你可以发现什么适合你,什么不适合你.  这可能意味着表达困难的感受, 分享你通常保密的信息, 或者因为让你心烦的事而面对别人.
  • 问问题.  If you are wondering about or confused about something that has just been said or has just occurred in the group, 然后寻求小组成员或小组协调员的澄清. 很可能其他人也有和你一样的问题.
  • 意识到疏远行为.  我们所有人都有阻止别人接近我们的行为方式.  其中一些人保持沉默,不参与其中, 讲冗长复杂的故事, 用智慧的话语回应他人, 问内容问题, 发表敌意的或间接的评论, 只讨论外部正规博彩十大网站排名.  记住,在过去,保持距离的行为是有目的的.  The question you will face is whether the behavior is preventing you from getting what you want - close relationships with people.
  • 试着尽可能直接,并对他人的反应持开放态度.  讲故事有时也是一种让别人知道的方式, 但这也可能是一种避免对话和亲密的方式.  Aim for dialogue that fosters an understanding of your experiences rather than monologue.
  • 记住,人们说话的方式和他们说的话一样重要.  Pay attention to the non-verbal behaviors in the group-yours and those of other members. 谈论你所注意到的.
  • Focus on the relationships you have with the group, other group members and the facilitator.  把注意小组内部发生的事情放在首位.  是什么让你觉得和别人更亲近或更疏远?  试着和团队一起探索你注意到的东西.
  • 在小组外工作.  为了从小组经验中得到最大的收获, 你需要在疗程之间花点时间想想自己, 尝试新的行为, 反思你正在学习的东西, 重新评估你的目标, 注意自己的感受和反应.
  • 对自己有耐心.  成长需要时间、努力和耐心.  Changing what has become such an integral part of ourselves is very difficult and slow.  By having patience with ourselves and accepting 和理解 these blocks to growth, 我们为增长和变革奠定了基础.
  • 给小组时间发展.  It can take a number of sessions before members of a group begin to have sufficient trust and security to be open and honest, 吐露他们的忧虑和感受.  因此,我们鼓励您承诺参加至少四次会议.  If you are not getting what you want out of the group, then talk about that with the group members.

在尝试与他人互动的新方式时, 重要的是做一些感觉困难的事情.  旧的、熟悉的行为方式可能不会产生富有成效的实验. 更多的over, a new behavior may seem difficult at first, but with practice, it gets easier. Then the new behavior may be added to your repertoire-your range options-and it's available whenever you need it.

如果你通过以下方式与人相处: 你可以尝试:
  • 顺从、让步、谦逊
  • 说“不”
  • Resisting suggestions; holding back
  • 冒险; trying something new
  • Always talking; filling any silence with words because you feel uncomfortable
  • Being silent for a minute; getting in touch with uncomfortable feelings; talking about those feelings
  • 等着别人说点什么,然后做出反应
  • 你自己开始做一些事情,让别人做出反应
  • 总是微笑,即使在烦恼或生气的时候
  • 说话不笑
  • 解释
  • 简单地回应你的感觉(e).g.(“我有一种解释的冲动。”)
  • 试图让人们不再有某种感觉
  • Simply accepting the way they feel; at the same time exploring your impulses and feelings
  • Being polite; not showing anger or judgment
  • 评判和愤怒,坦率和无耻
  • 容易表达愤怒
  • 看看愤怒背后隐藏着什么感受
  • 偏转赞美
  • 接受赞美并热情地表示赞同
  • 感到无聊,但又礼貌得什么都不说
  • 谈论你的无聊感
  • 当受到攻击时,自卫
  • 不做任何反驳 & 探索你的感受
  • 害怕并隐藏你的恐惧
  • Being openly afraid; letting everyone know it
  • 总是赞美别人
  • 告诉别人你对他们的感觉
  • 想让所有人都认可你
  • 做你自己,不在乎别人怎么想
  • 提供建议
  • 说“我想给你提建议”,但并没有付诸行动
  • 总是帮助别人
  • 寻求帮助,让自己得到帮助
  • 总是寻求帮助
  • 帮助别人
  • 控制和压抑你的情绪
  • 体验你的感受并探索它们
  • 保守秘密
  • 透露自己的一些难以启齿的事情
  • 小心行事
  • 冒险