Pacific meeting market demand with new health care and 刑事司法方案s

Photo of physician assistant student in a clinic

的 new doctoral degrees in the 卫生科学学院 will prepare clinicians to teach and practice at a higher level in the healthcare industry.

正规博彩十大网站 is launching three new degree programs to fill growing demands: Doctor of Medical Science, Doctor of Health Sciences and Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice.


的 doctoral degrees will be offered as part of the same program through the 卫生科学学院 to prepare clinicians for leadership roles in healthcare or positions in academia. 

的 program will train students in an interprofessional education model, 以创新的在线形式交付, and help the 卫生科学学院 prepare the faculty it wants to hire.

“Both are delivered online for those who are continually practicing in clinic or teaching,” explained 卫生科学学院 Dean Nicoleta Bugnariu. “It’s designed for healthcare professionals who are employed and are doing this in addition to their regular job.”

Pacific’s unique program design brings students from various health backgrounds together and prepares them for the team-based healthcare system they’ll experience in the workforce.

“It's not just that we have people with different clinical backgrounds in the same class, 但他们正在相互了解, 他们互相学习. T在这里’s cross-pollination of ideas and skills and knowledge,克里斯·希默里克说, director of assessment and accreditation in the 卫生科学学院.

虽然这些学位是同一个项目的一部分, the degree designation is based on the credentials students have when they enter the program.

的 Doctor of Medical Science degree is for physician assistants who hold a master’s, while the Doctor of Health Sciences is for health science professionals, such as speech-language pathologists and physical therapists, 谁有硕士或博士学位.

Only one joint program currently exists in the country, placing Pacific at the leading edge of interprofessional health education.

Demand is especially high from physician assistants. 的 majority of Pacific’s physician assistant alumni and current students have expressed interest in a Doctor of Medical Science program at Pacific.  

“Doctorate degrees are becoming increasingly important for employers,玛丽亚·帕拉维西尼说, provost and executive vice president of academic affairs. “I'm very excited to be able to expand our healthcare educational offerings to meet the needs of healthcare industries and employers.”

Students will have two track options in the program—clinical leadership and education. 

的 degrees will take approximately 12 to 15 months depending on a student’s training.

“它非常灵活,”Himmerick说. “Advisors will work individually with each student to make sure they have a timeline that's realistic to be successful.”
Pacific has a long-standing reputation of being a leader in healthcare education with nine programs in the 卫生科学学院 以及亚瑟A. Dugoni牙科学院和Thomas J. 龙药学院.

的 program is expected to begin in January 2023. 点击 在这里 了解更多信息. 


的 other new degree Pacific is offering—a bachelor’s in criminal justice—will draw on the disciplines of political science and sociology. 

“It's a broad-based degree designed to prepare people for everything from law school, 执法和社会工作, 公共政策和倡导,杰弗里·贝克尔说, associate professor in the department of political science.

“Our students want to envision w在这里 their studies might lead them, so it provides an opportunity for them to see w在这里 that degree might directly go,帕拉维西尼说. 

Relatively few schools in northern California offer this major. Pacific’s program is unique with the focus on legal reform, policy making and social services.

“When you think about many of the social problems that we've been facing, 从无家可归到移民, 贫困, 其中很多都被定为犯罪. What we're trying to do is to develop leaders to rethink how to approach the criminal justice system,苏珊·曼农说, associate professor in the department of sociology.

作为一所规模较小的大学, Becker says t在这里 will be opportunities to have the program tailored to fit the needs and interests of students.

工作 within the field of criminology and criminal justice are expected to grow nearly 6% over the next 10 years according to data analysis from Burning Glass, 一家劳动力市场分析公司. 的 highest demand in the country is expected to be in California. 

“It’s not just (jobs like) probation officer, police officer, or social worker anymore. 它有更多的维度, and we're trying to respond to that in ways that meet what our students are interested in studying and w在这里 the job market is growing,贝克尔说。. 

刑事司法方案 会在2022年秋季发射吗.