Faculty members leave indelible impact on Pacific

photo of attendees at the faculty retirement ceremony

(左至右)Mahnaz Shakerin, 说Shakerin, Ed Pejack, 加里利顿, 琳达利顿, 艾莉利顿, 迈克多尔蒂

Four retiring professors who have received this year’s Order of Pacific—the university’s highest honor—were among 15 lauded for their excellence in teaching and service May 4 during 正规博彩十大网站’s Faculty Retirement and Years of Service Awards Ceremony.

获奖者吉恩·皮尔森和比尔·斯瓦格蒂, 从太平洋学院毕业, 加里利顿 from the 工程与计算机科学学院 and Linda Webster from Benerd大学 received the coveted Order of the Pacific, 这是对教员的认可, 表彰有突出贡献的工作人员和董事. Pearson’s 51 consecutive years as a professor is unmatched for longevity in the 171-year history of California’s first university.

除了课堂上的卓越, Pearson is known for popular student field trips and participation on many university and faculty committees.

“Gene is the epitome of what it means to be a Pacifican,莉迪亚·福克斯说, a professor in the Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences. “He is and always has been student-centered and committed to academic excellence.”

加里利顿 is one of northern California’s foremost experts on water quality. In his 29 years with the Civil Engineering Department Litton conducted extensive re搜索 in the San Joaquin Delta and was frequently sought by the media and governmental entities for his expertise.

He has worked on almost 30 grants resulting in about $1.500万资金. Most were for re搜索ing water quality issues in the San Joaquin River and south Delta region. 

Webster was a long-time chair of the Department of Counseling and School Psychology in what was formerly known as the Gladys L. 贝纳德教育学院. She twice served as interim dean and was instrumental in the transition to the new Benerd大学 in 2019. 韦伯斯特在正规博彩十大网站任教26年. 

Swagerty joined the Department of 历史 in 2001 and worked at Pacific for 21 years, 包括指挥约翰·缪尔中心. In 2021, Swagerty received the Northern California Excellence in Teaching Award from Phi Beta Kappa, 全国最古老的学术荣誉协会. 

Rena Fraden, who is retiring as dean of 太平洋学院 after nine years, also was honored. Fraden said she is working on her third book with a focus on “sentimental education.”

Recently retired Professor 说Shakerin of the 工程与计算机科学学院 was recognized for 35 years with Pacific. 

Shakerin was active in the Department of Mechanical Engineering after joining the university in 1986, but a medical condition caused him to curtail his activities and Shakerin has primarily focused on mentoring students and re搜索 the past 22 years.

“It is a real honor for me to be retiring alongside Said,” Litton said. 


•    加里·布里克,麦克乔治法学院: Bricker is the Noel Ferris Professor of Trial Skills and has taught at the school for 17 years. In 2013, she was named one of the 26 best law teachers in the United States by the book “What Best 法律 Teachers Do.”
•    Alan Budenz, Arthur A. Dugoni牙科学院: Budenz served for 30 years at the dental school and has received numerous teaching accolades. He was the recipient of the 2022 Distinguished Faculty Award.
•    马克·克里斯蒂安森,健康科学学院: 克里斯蒂安森是临床教授, department chair and the founding director of the Physician Assistant Program on the 萨克拉门托校园. 克里斯蒂安森有七年的服役经历.
•    埃伯哈特商学院的Peter Hilsenrath: Hilsenrath taught a variety of courses including finance, 管理, economics in the health sector and ethics and corporate responsibility. 他已经服役13年了.
•    凯西·麦克莱伦,太平洋学院: 她在太平洋公司工作了20年, 主要是在戏剧艺术系, where her efforts included costume design and set construction. 她曾两次担任系主任.
•    健康科学学院Berit Gundersen: Gundersen is a Pacific alumna who joined the faculty of the Thomas J. 1986年毕业于朗药学院. Gundersen also was on the leadership team that supported the launch of the new 卫生科学学院. 她在太平洋公司工作了35年.
•    凯茜·彼得森,健康科学学院: 在她二十年的工作中, Peterson served as chair of the Department of Physical Therapy for 11 years, 帮助领导两个认证周期. 2012年,她被评为富布赖特正规博彩十大网站排名. 
•    Rahnea Sunseri,健康科学学院: 行医35年之后, Sunseri went into teaching and was integral in working with Mark Christiansen on the launch of the Physician Assistant Program as medical director. 她在太平洋公司工作了六年.
•    Michael Susca,健康科学学院: Susca joined the Speech-Language Pathology Program in 2001 and retired in September of 2021. Susca conducted more than 75 professional workshops focusing on fluency disorders (stuttering).

Also honored were current Pacific faculty members for their years of service, including:

•    35年: J. 克拉克·凯尔索(法律);
•    30年: 埃里克·托马斯(生物学);
•    25年: 陈伟霆(药剂科), 拉里·兰利(数学), 迈克尔·马洛伊(法律), Jeffrey Miles (Business/ Management and Organizational Behavior), 乔治·兰德尔斯(宗教研究), Vyacheslav Samoshin(化学), 埃莉诺·维特鲁普(哲学).

“We have a great university because we have great faculty,” President Christopher Callahan said. “Part of the fabric of Pacific is our faculty and staff’s long-serving commitment to our students. 这是一种优势. And that is part of what makes this university great.”